We provide bowls - all you need is flat soled shoes
Call John Kinsey on 07707 807136
email [email protected]
Use the contact form at 'Contact our Bowling Club' on the menus above
We are a flat green bowling club established in 1955 to carry out the sport of bowls.
We are a unified club in which Gentlemen and Ladies play in a variety of club games, both internally and externally with other clubs in Devon. We are affiliated to both Bowls England and Bowls Devon.
Our Fixtures include Friendly and League matches which are shown on the club website and can be viewed at <Fixture List>.
The club members also enter games available from the Bowls Devon and Bowls England..
The men play Over 60 leagues where we field 2 teams of 6 players Wednesday afternoons for 18 weeks
Recently added is our involvement in the Exeter and District League where we enter 2 teams of 9 mixed players per game
Also the men play North Devon Triples where one team of nine players play ten games every Friday evening.
Finally the men play 71 Shield where we put out one team of nine players.
The Ladies play 86 Shield with a team of six players. A Top Club competition is also run within this league
Friendly games
We play a number of Friendly games at weekends, Saturdays and some on week days These are mixed team games against other Devon Clubs..
Winter activity
During the off season, after outdoor play has ended, we have a Short Mat club which meets for roll up games every Tuesday and Thursday. Together with this activity, we also play leagues games, some as afternoon fixtures and some in the evening. More details can be found on the Short Mat page.
Visitors are always welcome to watch and enjoy our home games from greenside or the clubhouse balcony.
We remind members, visiting bowlers and guests that whilst dogs are also welcome they must be on a lead and under control at all times.
Local Green Space Designation
North Tawton Bowling Club has been designated a Local Green Space in the North Tawton Neighbourhood Plan for its recreational value to the community and its historic significance (http://www.northtawtonneighbourhoodplan.co.uk/ pages 20-21).
The designation of land as Local Green Space through neighbourhood plans allows communities to identify and protect green areas of particular importance to them.
The 2024 Season opened at North Tawton Bowling Club Saturday 20th April
IT was a lovely sunny day for the opening of the green at North Tawton Bowling Club, the first wood laid by President Gordon Denham.
After the official opening members held a spider, which was won by Paul Reed.
Chairman John Kinsey explained that the season was going to be a busy one with play taking place a few evenings each week.
He thanked the greenskeeper Dave Cooper and volunteers who had put in many hours of work to maintain the green and to take it to a high standard.
The Club, established as a flat green bowling club in 1955, is located in North Street, North Tawton.
Anyone not able to attend the Open Day can arrange a Monday evening introductory session by contacting John on 07707 807136